YDS Cümle tamamlama soruları notları


  1. Soru kökünde ve cevapta geçen öznelerin ortak oluşu bir ipucu olabilir.

Mozart                         _____   he , him, his

Cells                             _____   they, their, them

The experts                  _____   they, them, their

Scientific knowledge   _____   it, its

  1. “Akraba” Kelimelere dikkat edelim.

Scientists     ______  Experts, science, experiment, conduct, study, science world, exploration,

                                   Observation, article, prove, proof vb.

Eartquake    ______   tremble, shake, disaster, calamity, catastrophe, magnitude, crust vb.

Health        ______  doctor, hospital, disease, cure, emergency, death, ill, illness, operation,

                                    Expense vb.

Abandon     ______  abandonment

Leave          ______ depart, exit, quit

Incorrectly   ______ erroneously; mistakenly; inappropriately; improperly;

  1. Cümle Dizilimlerine dikkat edelim, cümledeki eksik öğeyi bulalım. Aşağıda genel olarak çokça çıkan dizilişler örneklerle beraber sunulmuştur.

Soru kökü                       Seçenek

  • Temel cümle             Yan Cümle
  • Yan cümle Temel Cümle
  • Temel cümle Sıfat Cümlesi
  • isim cümlesi (SV) Nesne (O)
  • Giriş             Temel Cümle
  • Ortaç (kısaltma) Temel Cümle
  • Temel Cümle bağlaç+ Temel cümle


  1. Atomic clocks keep time by tracking the vaves which atoms emit as they oscillate between different energy levels.

Most of the Japanese car companies make Money through sales abroad only when the yen is weak.

  1. Although the company plans to branch out into new territories, there will be almost no change in the way it does business.

If the war is short of duration, oil prices are likely tor ise briefly and then fall sharply.

C.The British parliement recently passed a law which restricted access to information directly related to the production of biological weapons.

In Paris new contemrorary art space, the Palais de Tokyo, there is a salon where you can read a book or meet with friends.

D.The UN insists that China had underinvested in crucial social services, especially education and public health.

A recent study into cholesterol levels suggests how immediately and lastingly blacks had affected American life throughout history.

  1. Thanks to the popularity of nature documentarieson TV, there has been little increase of environmental awareness among people from all walks of life.

With air pollution levels continuing to rise, the atmosphere today contains 30 percent more carbon dioxide than it did 250 years ago.

  1. Having conducted the survey, the Board proceeded to review the strategic plan in light of the results and changes over the past eighteen months.

Being the largest city in the United States, NewYork is a favorite tourist destination.

  1. In Sweeden, steel making on a large scale developed well, because there was a shortage of coal for smelting.

The latest digital radio is supplied with a pair of active speakers so you don’t have to plug it into an amplifier.

  1. Zaman bağlaçlarıyla yapılan cümlelerde zaman uyumuna dikkat edilir.

Unless, when, while*, as*, after, before, as soon as, once, until gibi zaman bağlaçları, kendilerinin yer aldığı yan cümle bağlandıkları temel cümle arasında zaman uyumu gerektirir.

  • Unless we step our efforts to protect the environment,we cannot look forward to a healthy and prosperous future.
  • Untill science develops ways of predicting natural disasters earlier and more accurately, they will continue to cause untold throughout the world.
  • In the US, the rise in the birth rate was most rapid during the late 1970s and through 1980s when the rate increased by about 4% per year.
  1. Mantıksal İlişkiler ( zıtlık, sebep-sonuç, destekleme, amaç vb)

Özellikle aşağıdaki geçiş kelimeleri soru olarak gelir. Bu kelimeler ve dahası paragraf sorularında da son derece önemlidir.

moreover, furthermore, in addition, also, incidentally, by the way, further, too, again, more important, next, first, second, etc., firstly, secondly, etc., in the first place, in the second place, etc., last, lastly, finally, either, as well.

however, yet, in contrast on the other hand, in any case, on the contrary, still, otherwise, actually, all the same, at any rate, at the same time, nevertheless, instead, in spite of this, anyway, by contrast, in reality.

Iikewise, similarly, in the same way, in like manner, whereas

Cause, result, purpose:
therefore, thus, hence, consequently, after all, to be sure, for this reason, accordingly, then, knowing this, naturally, of course, with this object, with this end, to this end, because of this, with this in mind, in many cases, by this means, in this way, as

  1. Noktalamaya dikkat etmek gerekir. (fakat OSYM’nin bu noktalama işaretlerinin kullanımı konusunda çok tutarlı olmadığını belirtmek gerekir. Bazı sorular için ipucu olabileceği gibi, bazı sorularda noktalamaya göre şık elemek bizi hataya düşürebilir.)

Yan Cümle     virgül     Ana Cümle

Although it’s been 75 years since the discovery of Pluto, the planet remains a mystery to scientists.

Unless the northern part of this country gets some rain soon, there will be a poor harvest this year.

If the protective measures had been taken to prevent inflation last year, Argentine wouldn’t have been in a critical situation.

Ana Cümle                      Yan Cümle      

Photosynthesis cannot take place unless light has access to the leaves.

Racing was halted for an hour while the track was repaired.

  • Yan cümle kurulmasına rağmen zıtlık olarak kullanılan even though, though, whereas, while gibi bağlaçlar da ana cümle ve yan cümle arasında virgül kullanılabilir.
  • Even though Arizona and Rhode Island are both states of the U.S., they are strikingly different in many ways.
  • Boys who play video games on school days spend 30% less time reading, while girls spend 34% less time doing homework if they play video games.
  • but, and , yet, for, or, so gibi bağlaçlarda hemen önce virgül kullanılır.
  • Most of those counted by the poverty statistics are elderly or handicapped or have family responsibilities which keep them out of the labor force, so the poverty statistics are by no means an accurate indicator of labor market pathologies.
  • Some veg and herbs cost a small fortune in the shops, yet you can grow them for a few pence.
  • however, nonetheless, nevertheless, therefore, moreover, furthere more gibi geçiş kelimelerinde noktalama aşağıdaki gibi yapılır.

__________. However, _________

__________; however, __________

__________, however, __________

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