YDS Ders notları-YDS Dil bilgisi




  • Virgülden sonra that kullanılmaz (non-defining relative clause)
  • Preposition (edat) dan sonra that kullanılmaz. ( on that – at that – during that)

all, everything, something, anything, nothing, none, little, few, much dan sonra that kullanılır.

  • There’s something that you should know.
  • Superlative lerden sonra that kullanılır.
  • It was the best film that I’ve ever seen.



Why                            yanlarında fiil kullanılmaz.



Of whom yanına fiil alır.

  • What soluna isim almaz. İsim what ın içinde gizlidir



Most                                                   whom


Noun +            All                               of      +              which


Neither                                                           whose




However + sıfat

However + zarf

No matter + soru sözcüğü

  • No matter how hard you try, you will not eant a lot of money in a very short time.
  • However hard we worked, we could never save enough.
  • However weak we are, however difficult the circumstances, however little hope there seems, God will be with us.
  • However much people have criticised her style and some of her policies no one will gainsay her courage.


By the time + simple present /present perfect                          +  will + v1

+ will be Ving

+ will have V3

+ will have been Ving


By the time + simple past                                           + had V3

+ had been Ving


  • By the time he finished, I had cooked dinner.
  • We will have finished our homework by the time they arrive.
  • By the time the experts reached the area the animals had disappeared.
  • By the time they realize that anthrax is the cause of their unexplained illnesses and fatalities, many of the people exposed will be as good as dead.
  • He will be 24 by the time he has finished school.
  • We will have finished our homework by the time they arrive.




Inasmuch as

Insomuch as                     + cümle    , cümle

Seeing that

Now that



  • Inasmuch as the product is quickly cooled below the temperature at which bacterial, mold and yeast growth occur, decomposition during the freezing is prevented.
  • Disability can make extra demands on financial resources because the disabled need extra care.
  • Since these substances are not licensed, they cannot be sold in the continental United States.
  • The manager of the company reportedly called in the police because the employees had started to destroy the company’s equipment.

Because cümle başında neden belirtmek için de kullanılır.

The scientist could’t compare the two groups properly. Because, there were many participants in the first group  excluded from the study due to their deaths.

Cümle , for cümle   (Çünkü)

  • He had a great desire to have a home of his own , for he had always lived with my grandmother.


As opposed to                        isim

Contrary to                             Ving       ,    cümle

In contrast with / to

  • Unlike any other type of cell, embryonic stem cells have the capacity to develop into any type of tissue in the body.
  • We ate in the restaurant, as opposed to the bistro.
  • In contrast to the limitations of sensory and short-term storage, long-term memory is indefinite; much of it lasts a lifetime.
  • Contrary to popular belief, women cause fewer road accidents than men.


Cümle ;     on the contrary  ,                  cümle

in contrast,


on the other hand,

  • It is not an idea around which the Community can unite. On the contrary, I see it as one that will divide us.
  • On the one hand, if the body doesn’t have enough cholesterol, we would not be able to survive. On the other hand, if the body has too much cholesterol, the excess begins to line the arteries





Treat                                as if / as though




  • The unsubstantial story was as if she were retelling a dream.
  • For example, although tropical forests may look as though they are lush, they are actually highly susceptible to destruction.

Wish   + simple past                                      Present

Modal V1

Wish + past perfect                                                                        FARAZİ

Modal  have  v3                           Past


I wish she’d stop bragging about how rich her parents are.

Wish ten önceki ve sonraki özne aynı ise would kullanılmaz. (gramer polisleri)

Be used to

Get used to

Be accustomed to

Get accustomed to

Look  forward to

Be opposed to

Object to

Feel like

Can’t help                                                                                          +     Ving

Can’t stand

Can’t bear

It is no use

It is no good

It is worth

In the habit of

There is no point in

Feel like

It is a waste of time/money

To have difficulty / trouble /problems

To have a hard time / a-an bad-good-hard/ enjoyable time

  • It is no good complaining all the time.
  • There was no point in staying any longer.
  • Some people still object to teaching children about sex in public schools.
  • People who have trouble falling or staying asleep may be more likely to die sooner from natural causes compared to those who sleep well.

Of all


Of these

One of the…

Have/has ever V3                       + superlative

In the world vb

By far

  • Insects are among the most fascinating animals on earth.
  • We’ve had some pretty good directors over the years but Dr. Radcliff is by far the most capable of them.
  • Japanese people are among the healthiest in the world, and one of the reasons for this is their diet.
  • Of all speech impediments stammering is probably the most embarrassing.

Though                                                   zıtlık bildirir. … e rağmen, ….. se….de, se….da

Even though


Much though

Much as                                                     cümle    ,    cümle

Sıfat- zarf+as

Sıfat-zarf +though


  • Although Darwin was not the first evolutionist, modern evolutionary biology begins with him.
  • The rainforest contains more than half of Earth’s plant and animal species, even though rain forests cover only about 6% of the earth’s surface.
  • Much as I would like to I can´t go.
  • Though cümlenin diğerlerinden farklı olarakta cümlenin heryerinde (başta, sonda, ortada) kullanılabilir.
  • Though the United States has spent billions of dollars on foreign aid programs, it has captured neither the affection nor esteem of the rest of the world.
  • Though the cold weather, they went out.
  • It’s a beautiful, though unimaginative, building.
  • It’s often believed that the birthplace of chess is China, though it is not.

In addition to                                   yanı sıra, ek olarak

As well as

Along with                                 + isim (öbeği)

Apart from                                  Ving


  • Today, in contrast, many Negroes have achieved outstanding success in the arts and sciences as well as in the business and professional world.
  • Apart from hydro-electricity, there are several other non-depletable energy sources in use such as wind turbines and solar heating.
  • Besides those who directly lost money in this week’s fall, investors in Europe have good reason to be wary of continental Europe’s banking sector.
  • Besides aynı zamanda cümleleri bağlamak içinde kullanılabilir.
  • Another species of mosquito was found to spread the disease called malaria. Malaria isn’t as dramatic as yellow fever. It isn’t as rapid a killer. Besides, there is a drug, quinine (obtained from the bark of a South American tree), that, for centuries now, has been known to control the disease.
  • Boys were found to be much more likely to prefer kinaesthetic learning; besides, during the course of a week, children often had fewer opportunities to learn kinaesthetically.

Because of                                  … ın yüzünden, ….den dolayı

On account of

As a result of                               + isim (öbeği)

As a consequense of                       Ving

Due to

Owing to

  • Many children fail to take advantage of the present facilities for higher education because of economic stress in the family.
  • Due to the devastation of the forests on a large scale, the authorities will take all the necessary precautions on the matter.
  • Owing to a substantial increase in oil prices in the 1980’s, the Turkish economy was under a severe strain until the mid 1990’s.
  • Amazon basin has always attracted businessmen on account of its valuable and rich resources such as rubber, coffee and cocoa.
  • Older drivers are more likely to be seriously injured because of the fragility of their bones.
  • A lot of people are hospitalized as a result of accidents on roads and this puts a great strain on health resources.

Not only … but also      tekil / çoğul

Niether … nor             tekil / çoğul

Either… or                  tekil / çoğul

Both… and                    çoğul fiil

  • What is great about DNA is that not only can it tell the identity of a person, but it can also give information about four thousand genetic conditions and diseases.
  • It’s no longer news that stress can take its toll on both your physical and mental health.
  • Many people today either don’t have the money or time to give help to poor people.
  • Electrical cords are usually made with both conductors and insulators.
  • Both Leonardo and Michelangelo were Florentines, near contemporaries, and undeniable geniuses.

No sooner… had v3 … than cümle

Scarcely … had v3 ….. when

Hardly…… had v3 …. When

Barely … had v3 …. when

  • No sooner had I gone out than the bomb exploded.
  • He’d no sooner begun to speak than the lights went out.

Would rather   V1   than   v1

I would rather drink coffee than drink tea.

Would rather   subject V2  than V2

I would rather you told the truth than told lie.

Would rather  have   V3   than   have V3   (past)

I would rather have stayed in Turkey than have gone abroad last year.

Would prefer to  V1   than   to V1

I would prefer to learn English than to learn German.

Would prefer subject   to V1 to V1

I prefer tea to coffee.

I prefer dancing to swimming.


Via                                                   … sayesinde, …ın yardımı ile, … yoluyla


By means of                                     + isim (öbeği)

Thanks to                                            Ving

With the help / aid of

  • Thanks to recent research, effective treatments are available.
  • The brain receives and sends information by means of nerves, many of which lie partly in the spinal cord.
  • The cells of the human body convert food to energy through the process of oxidation.
  • Our brains have been processing sophisticated information via our senses for millions of years.
  • The polio vaccine, kidney transplants, and heart surgery techniques have all been developed with the help of animal research.



Until                                  Bu yapıların bulunduğu yan cümlelerde continuous tense

Since                                  kullanılmaz.

As soon as

By the time

  • Antibodies are never produced naturally until our body is attacked by bacteria.
  • Before the computer was invented in 1822, people were performing boring, repetitive tasks that we now take for granted.

A number of + çoğul fiil

The number of + tekil fiil

A great deal of + sayılamayan isim

A big/small amount of + sayılamayan isim

A small/big quantity of + sayılamayan isim

So far

Up to now

Till now

Up until know

By now                                                      Genelde prefect tense ile kullanılırlar.




As yet

Thus far

  • Certain records have come to light recently, which suggest that it was the Chinese who discovered America.
  • Scientists haven’t found an effective cure for AIDS so far.
  • Hitherto, the main emphasis has been on the need to resist aggression.

Have / get something done

Have somebody do smt

Get somebody to do smt

Make somebody do smt

Let somebody do smt

Help somebody (to) v1

allow, assist,  compel, convince,  employ,  encourage, force, hire, motivate, permit, require


to v1

So s to

In order to

To                                                      +   verb 1 – cümle gelmez

In an effort to

In an attempt to

  • In order to understand why computers are important, we have to understand what a computer is and what it does.
  • In their attempt to overcome the anti-social effects of modern architecture, architects have directed their attention to more informal settlements.
  • Euthanasia, practice of ending a life so as to release an individual from an incurable disease or intolerable suffering, also called “mercy killing”.
  • The market is highly fragmented in an effort to cater to the numerous different customer groups.





Fear                                                bu isimler yanlarına that almayı severler.








Interesting                                         kendilerinden sonra that almayı severler.


A shame




  • The assumption that the elimination of economic and social grievances may help the prevention of war leads us naturally to the idea that we must try to solve these problems as soon as possible.
  • The belief that everyone must sleep 8 hours a night is a myth.
  • Her main contention is that staff should get better training.
  • Many people dispute the claim that Columbus discovered America and insist that that was done by a Viking explorer.



Depend on

Remember                             yanlarına whether  /that/ soru kelimeleri (noun clause) almayı severler.




  • Numerous legends have tried to explain why human nature is not perfect and why people die.
  • Scientists have long wondered which parts of the brain are involved in musical tasks.
  • When economists try to explain why the Internet is more popular in one country than another, they usually point to factors such as the number of PCs, telephone lines or average years of schooling

Than that of

Than those of

  • His salary as a bus driver is much higher than that of a teacher
  • Most of the highways in Germany are wider than those in the Balkan countries.
  • Turkey is not only trying to be a part of EU. It is trying to have laws in accordance with those of international for the sake of its people too.

Too+ sıfat+ to

Sıfat +enough +to

Enough +isim

  • He is too short to play basketball.
  • She is old enough to marry.
  • Rural ozone pollution in China is high enough to threaten agriculture there.
  • We have not enough time to play football.
  • The opposition now seems too weak to stage any serious protests against the government.

I like coffee.

So do I.

I don’t like coffee.

Neither do I.

Nor do I.

I don’t like coffee.

I don’t like coffee either. / I don’t either.

I like coffee.

I like coffee too.

in that   : Şu açıdan ki…

  • Mammals differ from other vertebrates in that they have bodies that are covered with hair at some period of their lives.
  • English has an advantage over languages in that it has become a commercial language all over the world.
  • Petroleum differs from coal in that coal retains within itself visible evidence of the kind of material from which it was formed, and petroleum does not.

everyone      someone      anyone      no one

everybody    somebody     anybody    nobody                Kendilerinden sonra tekil fiil alırlar.

everything    something     anything    nothing

At the time  —————– past

If only ———————– past

YAN CÜMLE                                   ,                      TEMEL CÜMLE




Since               SVO                                                              SVO

Whereas          CÜMLE                      ,                                 CÜMLE




As long as

  • Although he was seen to be an aggressive politician, he was a quiet and loving family man at home.
  • Since life began eons ago, thousands of creatures have come and gone.
  • While there are few delays for chemotherapy, waits for radiotherapy have lengthened over the past few years.

TEMEL CÜMLE                                                        YAN CÜMLE



As long as


SV(O)                                                 Unless                   SV(O)


As long as



In case

  • Photosynthesis cannot take place unless light has access to the leaves.
  • Women have been playing football as long as the game has existed.

This time next year  I ­­_____ English.

  1. Will teach
  2. Will be teaching ***

This time next year I _____ for five years.

  1. Will be teaching
  2. Will have been teaching ***
  • I’ll buy him a present in return for his help. (in reply to / in respond to)

On the point of

On the brink of

On the cliff of                                        Ving   (… mek üzere / …nın eşiğinde)

On the edge of

On the verge of

  • The country is on the point of making a major decision about its future.
  • The recovery of private industries which were on the verge of bankruptcy was the main issue for the new government.
  • The country seems almost on the brink of civil war as fighting intensifies between government troops and rebel forces.

I _____ him before.

  1. Haven’t seen ***
  2. Didn’t see

I _____ him before last Christmas.

  1. Have seen
  2. Saw ***

Instead of smt                      yerine

On behalf of smb

  • The assistant lectured on behalf of the professor.
  • Light colors reflect heat, but dark colors absorb heat instead of throwing it back.

You can pass the exam           only if                         you study.

provided that

providing that

as long as

so long as

on condition that

  • Women have been playing football as long as the game has existed.
  • You can stay here on condition that you look after the animals and the garden.
  • A patient has the right to refuse to give consent to treatment, provided that the patient is able to exercise his judgement clearly and freely.

If   =     provided that

Providing that

Supposed that                           şartıyla

Supposing that

Assuming that

On condition that

  • Provided that the conditions are appropriate, each living organism will be able to multiply and spread.
  • You can stay here on condition that you look after the animals and the garden.



As regards               …e ilişkin

With regard to


  • Most of our knowledge regarding the structure of the earth has been from the study of rocks.
  • As regards the development of moral standards in the growing child, consistency is very important in parental teaching.
  • Concerning the question of capital punishment, the U.S. and its allies stand on opposite sides of a great divide.

In terms of:              itibariyle, bakımından

With respect to:       …e göre (kıyaslamada)

According to:           …e göre (görüş belirtirken)

İn addition to:          …e ilaveten

  • The amount of air pollution over the cities in the inner parts of the country is of great importance in terms of human health.
  • People who learn longer live longer according to a study of links between health and education among adults.
  • The report arranged with respect to the factors affecting the development of the under develop countries is of great importance in many respects.

Since  =   1. için ( because , as )      2.  …den beri

  • Since most of the members were absent the meeting were delayed.
  • Since nearly all drugs and medications can cause fetal damage or malformations it is important for pregnant women to avoid them as much as possible.
  • Since we were in the computer lab, our English has improved.
  • Since life began eons ago, thousands of creatures have come and gone.
  • Since the great oil crisis of the 1970s, the International Energy Agency has encouraged and supported research carried out to discover alternative energy sources.

While =  1. iken  (zaman)                  2. karşıt, rağmen, oysa ( = whereas)

  • The majority will of the people rules in a democracy, while in a dictatorship, power is in the hands of a single person.
  • Boys who play video games on school days spend 30% less time reading, while girls spend 34% less time doing homework if they play video games.
  • In recent years, the number of students applying to Ph.D. programs has increased steadily, while the number of places available has remained constant.
  • I normally look after the children while she is practising.

As = 1. iken,dikçe (zaman)                2. çünkü, için ( = since, because)

As he didn’t bring the money, he didn’t get the book.

  • As she reached the age of thirty she became convinced she would remain single all her life.
  • As they were investigating molecular electronics, they started seeing hints of an unexpected effect in their experiments.
  • As the can is opened, the content heat automatically.
  • Health spending tends to rise disproportionately as countries become richer; but even adjusting for this, America is a case apart.
  • As the deadline approached she experienced a bewildering array of emotions.
  • As the plants grow and start to bear fruit they will need a lot of water.

AS  sınavda çıkabilecek çeşitli kullanılış biçimleri; bol örnekle pekiştirilmeye çalışıldı.

  • Shelves were built to adapt the library for use as an office.
  • In an exercise designed to be as real as possible, they simulated an advance on enemy positions.
  • The group  has adventured as far as the Austrian alps.
  • Methane is often regarded as the second most important greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide.
  • As part of the treatment, he attended 15 weeks of after-care.
  • Many people are allergic to airborne pollutants such as pollen.
  • As a musician, you cannot be apolitical.
  • There was no obvious reason why this could not be as good a film as the original.
  • As a result of the growing fears about home security, more people are arranging for someone to stay in their home when they’re away.
  • In this changing business environment, different demands are being placed on employees. As a consequence, the education system needs to change.
  • The border, effectively closed since 1981, will be opened as of January the 1st.
  • They should make decisions as to whether the student needs more help.
  • Smoking is still attractive to many young people who see it as glamorous.
  • The two women were sitting as far away from each other as possible.
  • Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean, an area that the United States has long regarded as its own backyard.
  • On many modern wooden boats, epoxy coatings will have been used as a base for varnishing.
  • Some investigators regarded her as the brains of the gang.

FOR  ve BY – Örnek cümleler

  • The assessment for the course involves written assignments and practical tests.
  • The tests are supposed to provide a basis for the assessment of children.
  • She arranged an appointment for Friday afternoon at four-fifteen.
  • Modern medicine has a large armoury of drugs for the treatment of mental illness.
  • For years this anomalous behaviour has baffled scientists
  • The government has announced an immediate amnesty for rebel fighters.
  • The United States is a close ally of South Korea, and maintains forces there for its defence.
  • The lab has recently been updated to allow for more advanced courses.
  • In 1991, the house was advertised for sale at $49,000.
  • The island may be reached by boat from the mainland.
  • Some of the blame for the miscarriage of justice must be borne by the solicitors.
  • By the year 2020 business computing will have changed beyond recognition.
  • One billion people throughout the world are Muslims, united by belief in one god.
  • The basic design changed little from that patented by Edison more than 100 years ago.
  • By borrowing from dozens of banks, he managed to avoid giving any of them an overall picture of what he was up to.
  • Government troops broke up the protest by firing their guns in the air.
  • Their sleep is regularly disturbed by the sound of gunfire as criminal gangs settle their nightly accounts.
  • I didn’t know if I could raise a child by myself.
  • Violent crime has increased by 10 percent since last year.
  • By eight o’clock he had arrived at my hotel.
  • Pharmacists are required by law to give the medicine prescribed by the doctor.
  • By using the air ambulance to transport patients between hospitals, he estimates that they can save up to 15,000 per patient.
First conditional: If I have enough time, I will study English. .

We will have to go without him if he is late.

If my mother knows about the broken vase, we are in serious trouble.

If you will come this way, the manager will see you now.(nezaket)

If I have the money ,I will take a vacation.

2. Second conditional: If I had enough time, I would study  English

If I knew her name, I would tell you.

I would stop teaching if I won the lottery
If you would only try, you would succeed.
I would be grateful if you would give me a little help.

If I had the money, I would take a vacation.

3. Third conditional: If I had had enough time, I would have studied English..

If you had warned me, I would not have told your father about that party.

He might have been able to help you if he had been here.

I could have been a professor if there hadn’t been the exam named as UDS

Mixed type If yesterday had been today, today would be tomorrow.

If you had warned me [then], I would not be in trouble  [now].

We are much relived now if there weren’t any exams like UDS and KPDS.


Invertion  Should you come here again ,I ‘ll be with you.

Were I in YOK’S  shoes ,I would annul UDS.

Were he to go England ,he would spend his time on practising.

Had I come to the party ,it would have been much more enjoyable.

Had I had time, I would have helped you.

Since kullanımına örnekler

  • This research has been in progress since 1961 and has yielded a great number of positive results.
  • The country is facing a crisis unparalleled since the Second World War.
  • The two parties have been trying to unite since the New Year.
  • Since the roads are very bad, the journey took us a long time.
  • More than a century and a half since the transatlantic slave trade was abolished, slavery is far from dead.
  • Since the costs of science were rising faster than inflation, some restriction on funding was necessary.
  • No-one knows how many people have been killed since the war began.
  • Since its inception the company has produced 53 different aircraft designs.
  • Ever since we moved last year, I worry a lot about whether I can handle this new job

Noun cluse ( isim cümlesinde) if ve whether ayrımı

Whether = or not hemen sonra yada cümle sonunda gelebilir

If = if’ den hemen sonra or not gelmez.

If cümle başında yada preposition’dan sonra kullanılmaz; whether her iki durumda da kullanılır.

Be fiilinden sonra whether kullanılır if gelmez.

1- IF (şart cümlecikleri)(Daha çok type 3)

Had I been a bit more careful, I could have corrected my mistakes on the test.

(If I had been…………)
Should you have difficulty starting the car, you can call the mechanic. (If you should……..)

Were you to try harder, I am sure you would be successful in the EXAM. (If you were to try harder…….=If you tried harder……..)

2-  NOR
You mustn’t drive too fast. Nor must you drive when you are sleepy.



3- Sıralanan zarflar cümle başlarında kullanıldığında




-Not only……but also
-Not until=Only when


-At no time…. -Only……
-Seldom does he come with a new idea.
-Rarely had she been given her approval
-Never have I seen such a beautiful lady.

-Scarcely had her head touched the pillow when  she fell into a deep sleep.
-Hardly had we  started our task when our teacher wanted it.
-No sooner did I went out of my office than I realized someone waiting  outside.

-Not only is he ill, but he is also close to death.
-Not only did the lady thanked to the boy, but she also give money to him.
-Not until he spoke did I give him an answer. = Only when he spoke did I give him an answer.

-Only when the teacher give you permission, may you speak in the classroom..

-Only in a few countries does the whole population enjoy a reasonable standard of living.
-Only from the mistakes in life could we  discover the truth.
-Only then did she understand that her husband had left her.
-Only by chance did the scientist find POST-IT.

-In no way can she be held responsible for the loss of the money.
-On no account are the students  allowed tocheat in the exam.
-Nowhere did he have a better opportunity to earn money than than the       insurance company in Adana

-At no time did the poor receive enough help from the rich.
-We thought for a long time , but nowhere could we find the missing boy.

4-   AS / SO
He was a rich, as were all the members of his family.
So rapidly has the fired workers increased that they go on a strike.


5-  Yer belirten zarflarla başlayan cümlelerde ( özellikle şu fiillerle: GO, COME, SIT, STAND, LIE, WALK)
On the stairs was standing the secretary..
Here comes the most popular student of the class.
Under the ladder was a cat.


İsım cümlelerı cümlede isim görevinde  kullanılır

  1. that 2. if / whether 3. wh question words

Bunlarda zaman uyumu aranmaz ama mantıksal bir zaman uyumunu da akılda tutmakta fayda vardır.Aşağıda cümle içerisinde hangi görevde (cümlenin hangi ögesi) olduğuna dikkat ediniz.

What you have done up to now is not a success but a failure.

What you do is what you get.

We are interested in what you are doing.

The trouble in their marriage is that they have different points of view to life.

I was asked whether I wanted to stay at a hotel or at his home.

He wondered where all these strangers could have come from.

It appears that he followed my advice.

That the writer had written with bias is so natural.


Sıfat cumlelerı isimlere yada zamirlere gönderme yaparlar ve gönderme yaptıkları isim ve zamirleri daha açık belirleyebilmek için büyük ölçüde onlardan sonra gelirler.

The treatment, which is being tried by the doctors, has lead to an improvement in the condition of the patients.

The man whose moustache is a bit strange is a war veteran.

This is the year when profits should increase.

The first two applicants with whom the manager talked regarded as suitable for the job.

The sun, which is indispensable for life, is at a long distance. 


Zarf cümleleri ya fiil,sıfat,ve zarf gibi tek sözcükleri yada bütün olan cümleleri  çeşitli yönlerden nitelerler.Zarf cümleleri nasıl?, nerede?, neden? ; ve ne kadar?  gibi sorulara cevap verir ve cümlenin birçok yerinde görülebilir.

When the boy stole that valueless thing, no one said anything.

If he had had a second chance, he would have achieved in the examination.

I haven’t said even a word to him since he came home.

Although it was snowing, it wasn’t cold.

You are not permitted to go out unless you tell the truth.



1.There is/are yapısında özne olarak there kullanılır.

There was a mistake in the bill, wasn’t there?

There used to be a market near here, didn’t there?

There isn’t much traffic in Adana in these days, is there?

  1. Am I right, aren’t I?
  2. Cümlemizin öznesi
  3. anyone(anybody),noone(nobody),someone(somebody),everyone(everybody) ise kuyruk sorusunda özne olarak they kullanılır.

Everybody is ready, aren’t they?

Noone wants to fail in the exam, do they?( noone olumsuzluk kattıgı için yardımcı olumsuz olarak algılanıp,kuyruk sorusu olumlu yapılır.)

  1. everything,something,nothing gibi bir özneden meydana geliyorsa, kuyruk sorusunda özne olarak it kullanılır.

Nothing came in the post, did it?

Something should be sold, shouldn’t it?

  1. Let’s go,shall we?
  2. Aşağıdaki gibi durumlarda 1. yardımcı fiil kullanılır.

He has been digging all day, hasn’t he?

  1. Cümlemizde nothing, nobody,barely,hardly,seldom,never,no,none gibi anlamca olumsuzluk taşıyan ifadeler varsa anlamca olumsuz olur ve kuyruk sorusu olumlu olur.

The student hardly achieved in the exam, did he?

They seldom work hard, do they?

  1. Cümlemiz basit cümle degil ise ana cümlenin yardımcı fiili kuyruk sorularında kullanılır.

You know you can improve your English, don’t you?

The man who was arrested yerterday is in prison now, isn’t he?

  1. I don’t think, I don’t guess gibi yapılar yardımcı fiil seçimini etkilemez ama anlamca cümleyi olumsuz yaptığından kuyruk soruları olumlu olur.

I don’t think this is appropriate for his kind of situation, is it(is this)?

(= I think this isn’t appropriate for   this kind of situation,

  1. had better yapısında yardımcı fiil olmadıgını dusunuruz.

He had better do it, hadn’t he?



  1. Soru kökünde ve cevapta geçen öznelerin ortak oluşu bir ipucu olabilir.

Mozart                         _____   he , him, his

Cells                             _____   they, their, them

The experts                  _____   they, them, their

Scientific knowledge   _____   it, its

  1. “Akraba” Kelimelere dikkat edelim.

Scientists     ______  Experts, science, experiment, conduct, study, science world, exploration,

Observation, article, prove, proof vb.

Eartquake    ______   tremble, shake, disaster, calamity, catastrophe, magnitude, crust vb.

Health        ______  doctor, hospital, disease, cure, emergency, death, ill, illness, operation,

Expense vb.

Abandon     ______  abandonment

Leave          ______ depart, exit, quit

Incorrectly   ______ erroneously; mistakenly; inappropriately; improperly;

  1. Cümle Dizilimlerine dikkat edelim, cümledeki eksik öğeyi bulalım. Aşağıda genel olarak çokça çıkan dizilişler örneklerle beraber sunulmuştur.

Soru kökü                       Seçenek

  1. Temel cümle             Yan Cümle
  1. Yan cümle Temel Cümle
  1. Temel cümle Sıfat Cümlesi
  1. İsim cümlesi (SV) Nesne (O)
  1. Giriş             Temel Cümle
  1. Ortaç (kısaltma) Temel Cümle
  1. Temel Cümle bağlaç+ Temel cümle


  1. Atomic clocks keep time by tracking the vaves which atoms emit as they oscillate between different energy levels.

Most of the Japanese car companies make Money through sales abroad only when the yen is weak.

  1. Although the company plans to branch out into new territories, there will be almost no change in the way it does business.

If the war is short of duration, oil prices are likely tor ise briefly and then fall sharply.

C.The British parliement recently passed a law which restricted access to information directly related to the production of biological weapons.

In Paris new contemrorary art space, the Palais de Tokyo, there is a salon where you can read a book or meet with friends.

D.The UN insists that China had underinvested in crucial social services, especially education and public health.

A recent study into cholesterol levels suggests how immediately and lastingly blacks had affected American life throughout history.

  1. Thanks to the popularity of nature documentarieson TV, there has been little increase of environmental awareness among people from all walks of life.

With air pollution levels continuing to rise, the atmosphere today contains 30 percent more carbon dioxide than it did 250 years ago.

  1. Having conducted the survey, the Board proceeded to review the strategic plan in light of the results and changes over the past eighteen months.

Being the largest city in the United States, NewYork is a favorite tourist destination.

  1. In Sweeden, steel making on a large scale developed well, because there was a shortage of coal for smelting.

The latest digital radio is supplied with a pair of active speakers so you don’t have to plug it into an amplifier.

  1. Zaman bağlaçlarıyla yapılan cümlelerde zaman uyumuna dikkat edilir.

Unless, when, while*, as*, after, before, as soon as, once, until gibi zaman bağlaçları, kendilerinin yer aldığı yan cümle bağlandıkları temel cümle arasında zaman uyumu gerektirir.

  • Unless we step our efforts to protect the environment,we cannot look forward to a healthy and prosperous future.
  • Untill science develops ways of predicting natural disasters earlier and more accurately, they will continue to cause untold throughout the world.
  • In the US, the rise in the birth rate was most rapid during the late 1970s and through 1980s when the rate increased by about 4% per year.
  1. Mantıksal İlişkiler ( zıtlık, sebep-sonuç, destekleme, amaç vb)

Özellikle aşağıdaki geçiş kelimeleri soru olarak gelir. Bu kelimeler ve dahası paragraf sorularında da son derece önemlidir.

moreover, furthermore, in addition, also, incidentally, by the way, further, too, again, more important, next, first, second, etc., firstly, secondly, etc., in the first place, in the second place, etc., last, lastly, finally, either, as well.

however, yet, in contrast on the other hand, in any case, on the contrary, still, otherwise, actually, all the same, at any rate, at the same time, nevertheless, instead, in spite of this, anyway, by contrast, in reality.

Iikewise, similarly, in the same way, in like manner, whereas

Cause, result, purpose:
therefore, thus, hence, consequently, after all, to be sure, for this reason, accordingly, then, knowing this, naturally, of course, with this object, with this end, to this end, because of this, with this in mind, in many cases, by this means, in this way, as

  1. Noktalamaya dikkat etmek gerekir. (fakat OSYM’nin bu noktalama işaretlerinin kullanımı konusunda çok tutarlı olmadığını belirtmek gerekir. Bazı sorular için ipucu olabileceği gibi, bazı sorularda noktalamaya göre şık elemek bizi hataya düşürebilir.)

Yan Cümle     virgül     Ana Cümle

Although it’s been 75 years since the discovery of Pluto, the planet remains a mystery to scientists.

Unless the northern part of this country gets some rain soon, there will be a poor harvest this year.

If the protective measures had been taken to prevent inflation last year, Argentine wouldn’t have been in a critical situation. 

Ana Cümle                      Yan Cümle        

Photosynthesis cannot take place unless light has access to the leaves.

Racing was halted for an hour while the track was repaired.

  • Yan cümle kurulmasına rağmen zıtlık olarak kullanılan even though, though, whereas, while gibi bağlaçlar da ana cümle ve yan cümle arasında virgül kullanılabilir.
  • Even though Arizona and Rhode Island are both states of the U.S., they are strikingly different in many ways.
  • Boys who play video games on school days spend 30% less time reading, while girls spend 34% less time doing homework if they play video games.
  • but, and , yet, for, or, so gibi bağlaçlarda hemen önce virgül kullanılır.
  • Most of those counted by the poverty statistics are elderly or handicapped or have family responsibilities which keep them out of the labor force, so the poverty statistics are by no means an accurate indicator of labor market pathologies.
  • Some veg and herbs cost a small fortune in the shops, yet you can grow them for a few pence.
  • however, nonetheless, nevertheless, therefore, moreover, furthere more gibi geçiş kelimelerinde noktalama aşağıdaki gibi yapılır.

__________. However, _________

__________; however, __________

__________, however, __________



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