YDS PAST Notları

  1. PAST

3.1. Simple Past Tense

  1. a) Geçmişte belirli bir zamanda bitmiş bir olay için kullanılır.

He left a minute ago.


Where did the accident happen ?


Simple Past‘ın bu kullanımı (A) Türkçe’ye “yüklem + -DI”, daha resmi yapılarda ise “yüklem + mIştIr” kullanılarak aktarılır.

He ….. about to resign when they offered him a better position in the firm.

  1. was
    B. is
    C. will be
    D. would be
    E. had been
  2. b) Geçmişe ait bir alışkanlık için always, never, vs. ile kullanılır.

He always wore a hat.


Simple Past‘ın bu kullanımı (B) Türkçe’ye “yüklem + -I/ErdI” kullanılarak aktarılır.

3.2. Past Perfect Tense

  1. a) Geçmişte önce olan olay için Past Perfect, sonra olan olay için de Simple Past kullanılır.

When the police arrived, the burglad had escaped.

  1. b) Past Perfect temelde Present Perfect‘in past

He had won 3 Oscars.



We met at a party yesterday, but we ….. each other by sight for years.

  1. had known
    B. know
    C. knew
    D. have known
    E. will know

Past Perfect Türkçe’ye “yüklem + -mIştI” ile, ya da, pek sık olmasa da, “”yüklem + – DIydI” ile aktarılır.

3.3. Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Continuous yapının past halidir.

I had been writing since 10 this morning.


You looked terrible. Had you been fighting ?


He ….. carefully when he had the accident.

  1. didn’t drive
    B. doesn’t drive
    C. wouldn’t drive
    D. hadn’t driven
    E. hadn’t been driving

Past Perfect Continuous Türkçe’ye ” yüklem + -Iyordu / -mEktEydI / -mIştI” kullanılarak aktarılabilir.

3.4. Past Continuous Tense

  1. a) Geçmişte bir süre devam etmiş olan olayların aktarımında kullanılır.

She was earning quite a lot of money.

  1. b) Ani ve daha kısa bir eylemle karşılaşan/o eylem tarafından kesilen bir eylem için kullanılır.

When she heard the explosion she was having bath.


When I last saw him, he ….. English.

  1. studied
    B. studies
    C. will study
    D. is studying
    E. was studying

While I ….. my bike, Tom arrived.

  1. mended
    B. mend
    C. am mending
    D. have mended
    E. was mending

He gave the promise that he ….. the city in a day.

  1. has left
    B. leaves
    C. is leaving
    D. would be left
    E. was leaving

Past Continuous Türkçe’ye “yüklem + -Iyordu / -mEktEydI” ile aktarılır.

3.5. Infinitive yapılarda past


 Æ ð I know that … ð It is known that … Ê
He’s Scottish.
They’re working.
She died here.
… he’s Scottish.
… they’re working.
… she died here.
… he’s Scottish.
… they’re working.
… she died here.
He’s known to be Scottish.
They’re known to be working.
She’s known to have died here.

Infinitive (to + yüklem) İngilizce’de to have + V3 ile past hali alır.

He is believed to have a big fortune. PRESENT


He is believed to have lived in misery. PAST



Ancient Egyptians are known ….. unbelievably complex buildings.

  1. to build
    B. building
    C. build
    D. to building
    E. to have built

3.6. Gerund yapılarda past

Gerund (Ving) yapısı Ving ya da having + V3 kullanılarak past yapılabilir.

Having completed/Completing the task, the students had a break.(= After they had completed … )


Bu yapı present nitelik de taşıyabilir.

Having completed the task, the students will have a break. (= After they have completed …. )


….. some money, he didn’t need to work any more.

  1. Having made
    B. To make
    C. Make
    D. Having to make
    E. To have made

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