YDS Okuma anlama soruları notlar


  1. Parçada yer alan bir kelime soru kökünde yada doğru seçenekte direkt olarak yer alabilir.

Educational technology————- educational technology

In the 18th century——————- in the 18th century

  1. Parçada geçen bir kelime eş anlamlısı, türüne göre sıfat, zarf isim, fiil halleriyle,kelimenin değişik bir haliyle ve de yaptığı çağrışımlarla(akraba kelimelerle) soru kökünde yada doğru seçenekte direkt olarak yer alabilir.

Nutrition                     nourishment, food, diet, digestion

Regenerate                  regeneration, renew, recreate

Pivotal                         important, crucial, essential, importance,vital

Restrict                        restriction, limit, limitation

Maintain                      maintenance

Hazard                        hazardous, dangerous, menace,peril, harm

Invent                         invention, inventor, creativity

Ability                         capacity, gift, talent, skill, able, capability, aptitude, skilled, talented

Rival                           contestant, rivalry, competition

Tendency                    propensity, trend, inclination, tend

Wealty                        affluent , rich, prosperity

Book                           read, reading, publication

The bird                      the animal

Use                             consume, consumption

Help                            assist, assistance, helpful, aid

Quick                          quickly, rapid, rapidly, swiftly

Rude                           impolite, impoliteness, rudeness

  1. Parçada geçen bir gramer yapısı denk yapılarla soru kökünde ve doğru seçenekte geçebilir.

Since ——- as, because,

If———— unless, as long as, provided that

Although— even though, though, despite, in spite of, but, nevertheless

Active—— passive

  • Yukarıda sıralanan üç madde aynı anda görülebilir.

1-2-3. maddelere örnekler:

  • We learn from the passage that in the opinion of Halley, _____ .
  1. a comet may, at some point in the future, strike Earth

Parçada geçen ifade:

But Halley noted something else as well: a comet crossing the orbit of the earth might one day collide with us.

  • According to the passage , it was decided, after careful consideration, that the height of the drawbridge _____ .
  1. should be the same as that of the previous one.

Parçada geçen ifade:

When an examination of the bridges records show that

The state decided to build a new drawbridge with the same height as the old one.

  • According to the passage, as the economic strength of the developing world increases, one of the drawbacks this leads to is _____ .
  1. governments begin to interfere in the affairs of neighbours and ,hence, may cause political risks.

Parçada geçen ifade:

As economies in the developing world get stronger, governments are getting more assertive and meddling with both companies and neighbouring countries, increasing political risks.

  1. Yanlış seçeneklerde kullanılması muhtemel sıfat, zarf ve belirleyiciler kesin olarak metin içerisinde ifade edilmedikçe ( bizzat kendileri ya da eşanlamlılarıyla) aşağıda sıralananların yer aldığı şıklar yanlış cevap olacaktır.

Always, only, never, hardly, none, little , most, much, few, all, every, sole, complete, entire, full, many, some, invariably, fully, wholly, entirely, absolutely, mostly, mainly, largely, greatly, primarily,

  1. Yanlış seçenek parçaya göre çok genel çok özel olabilir.
  • Regular exercise may contribute to the diet. ( parça diyete etkisi)

Regular exercise may contribute to overcome the stroke. ( yanlış seçenek inmeye etkisi)

  • Most of these people spend their evenings watching television. ( parça most)

All of the people watch television in the evenings. (yanlış seçenek all)


  1. Parçada geçen ifadelerin çok dışında ifadeler, farklı yönlerine gönderme yapan ifadeler veya hiç sözü geçmeyen ifadeler yanlış seçeneklerde kullanılabilir.
  • Contrary to popular belief, moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite.

Exercise can be usefull for incresing your appetite.

  • Computer technology is becoming an increasingly essential part of the modern learning process.

Computer technology is widely used in the medicine world as a usefull tool.

  • Volcanos have caused some of the worst disasters in history, including wiping out entire cities and killing thousands of people.

The flooding of the Red River in Manitoba a few years back caused millions of dollars in damage.


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