YDS That alan fiiller-sıfatlar-isimler



accept that                             kabul etmek

acknowledge that                                 kabul etmek

add that                                ilave etmek

admit that gerund                                 kabul etmek

advise that inf-shld                              öğütlemek tavsiye et

allege that                              iddia etmek

announce that    will             duyurmak

answer that                            cevaplamak

anticipate that                       önceden tahmin etmek

appear that inf-özne it .        gibi görünmek

appreciate that                      takdir etmek

argue that                              iddia etmek

arrange that                           düzenlemek

assert that                              iddia etmek

assume that                           güvence vermek

believe that (wh) will            inanmak

bet that                                  bahse girmek

caution that                           uyarmak

certify that                              belgelemek

charge that                            suçlamak

claim that                                              iddia etmek

command that                       talimat vermek

comment that                        yorumlamak

complain that                        şikayet etmek

conclude that                        sonlandırmak

confess that gerund             itiraf etmek

confirm that                           onaylatmak

consider that (wh) inf (p)    düşünmek. sanmak.

contend that                          ileri sürmek

convince s.o. that                                ikna etmek

decide that                            karar vermek

declare that will                     ilan etmek

deduce that                           çıkarsama yapmak

demand that shld                                 talep etmek

demonstrate that                   göstermek

deny that                                               inkar etmek

determine that                       belirlemek

discover that                         keşfetmek

doubt that                              şüphelenmek

dream that                             hayal kurmak

ensure that                            sağlamak

envisage that                        öngörmek

establish that                         belirlemek

estimate that          rakam     tahmin etmek

expect that will                      ummak

explain that (wh) why          açıklamak

fancy that                               hayal etmek

tear that                                korkmak

feel that                                hissetmek

figure out that                        anlamak

find out that (wh)                 öğrenmek

forecast that                          tahmin etmek

foresee that                           önceden tahmin

forget that                              unutmak

gather that                             anlamak

guarantee that                       garanti etmek

guess that will                       tahmin etmek

happen that                           özne it alır

it happens to me that           bana öyle geliyor ki

hear thus                               duymak

hint that                                ima etmek

hope that will                        ummak

hypothesize that                   hipotezde  bulunmak

imagine that                          hayal etmek

imply that                               ima etmek

indicate that                          göstermek

infer that                                sonuç çıkarmak

inform s/b that                       bilgilendirmek

insist that                              shld        ısrar etmek

judge that                                              yargılamak

know that (wh)                      bilmek

learn that (wh)                       öğrenmek

maintain that                         ileri sürmek

mean that                               demek islemek

mention that                          bahsetmek

notice that (wh)                     fark etmek

notify s.o. that                       işaret etmek

object that                              karşı çıkmak

observe that                          gözlemlemek

occur to that                          özne it alır

it occurs to me that                               bana öyle geliyor ki

order that               shld        emretmek

perceive that                         algılamak

pledge that                            söz vermek

point out that                         işaret etmek

postulate that                        ileri sürmek

predict that            will         önceden tahmin etmek

prefer that                              tercih etmek

presume that                         sanmak

presuppose that                   sanmak

pretend that                           rol yapmak

pretend that                           mış gibi yapmak

promise that will                   söz vermek

propose that                         teklif etmek

prove that              (wh)        ortaya çıkmak

rule that                                 hükme varmak

reckon                                   düşünmek

realise that             (wh)        fark etmek

recall that                                              hatırlamak

recollect that                         hatırlamak

recommend that    shid       tavsiye etmek

reflect that                             yansıtmak

regret that                              pişman olmak

remark that                            işaret etmek

remember that (wh)                              hatırlamak

remind s.o. that                    hatırlatmak

reply that                                               cevap vermek

report that                             rapor etmek

request that           shld        rica etmek

resolve that                           karar vermek

reveal that                             açığa çıkartmak

say that                                  söylemek

see that (wh)                         anlamak

seem that                               …… gibi görünmek

sense that                             hissetmek

show that                                              göstermek

speculate that                       spekülasyon

state that                                (wh)        ifade etmek

stipulate that          shld        ön şart koşmak

stress that                             vurgulamak

suggest that  (wh)     shld    önermek

suppose that                         sanmak

surmise that                          özetlemek

suspect that                          şüphelenmek

tell s.o. that (wh)                   söylemek

think that (wh)                      düşünmek

threaten that          inf           tehdit etmek

trust that                                güvenmek

turn out that özne  it                             ortaya çıkmak

understand that(wh)            anlamak

urge that                shld       ısrarla istemek

verify that                                              doğrulamak

visualize that                         görselleştirmek

warn that                                               uyarmak

wish that                                gizli         dilemek, istemek

wow that                                söz vermek


to be absurd that                   saçma

to be afraid that                     korkmuş

to be amazed that                 şaşırmış

to be annoyed that                               kızgın

to be apparent that                               belli

to be ashamed that                              utanmış

to be aware that                    farkında

to be certain that                   emin

to be clear that                      açık

to be confident that                              emin

to be conscious that            farkında

to be convinced that            ikna olmuş

to be delighted that                              memnun

to be disappointed that       hayal kırıklığına uğramış

to he evident that                 belli, açık

to be excited that                  heyecanlı

to be fortunate that                               şanslı

to be furious that                   kızgın

to be glad that                       memnun

to be happy that                   mutlu                                              to be impressed that    etkilenmiş

to be incredible that                             inanılmaz

to be likely that                     olası

to be natural that                   doğal

to be obvious that                 açık

to be odd that”                      tuhaf

to be optimistic that                              iyimser

to be pleased that                 memnun

to be positive that                 olumlu

to be possible that                               olası

to be proud that                    gururlu

to be recommendable that   tavsiye verilebilir

to be sad that                        üzgün

to be shocked that                               şok olmuş

to be sorry that                     üzgün

to be strange that                 tuhaf

to be sure that                       emin

to he surprised that                             şaşırmış

to he terrified that                 ürkmüş

to he thrilled that                  çok korkmuş

to be unaware that                                farkında olmayan

to be unlikely that                 olası olmayan

to be upset that                     morali bozuk

to be worried that                 üzüntülü


the belief that                        inanç

the chance that                     şans

the claim that                        iddia




the allegation that                iddia

the argument that                 iddia

the assumption that                             varsayım

the belief that                        inanç

the chance that                     şans

the claim that                        iddia

the concern that                   endişe

the conclusion that                              sonuç

the doubt that                        şüphe

the evidence that                  kanıt

the expectation that                             beklenti

the explanation that                             açıklama

the fact that                           gerçek

the fear that                           korku

the hope that                        umut

the idea that                          fikir

the impression that                              izlenim

the indication that                                gösterge

the miracle that                     mucize

the news that                        haber

the notion that                      olgu

the observation that                             gözlem

the opinion that                    fikir

the pity that                           yazık

the possibility that                               olasılık

the prediction that                               önceden tahmin

the premise that                    iddia

the principle that                  prensip

the probability that                               olasılık

the proof that                        kanıt

the reason that                     neden

the recommendation that    öneri

the relief that                         rahatlama

the rumour that                     dedikodu

the shame that                      ayıp, yazık

the stipulation that                               on şart koşma

the suggestion that                              öneri

(a good) thing that                              iyi bir şey

the view that                          görüş

the wonder that                    şaşılacak olay


That Alan Fiiler

That Alan Fiiler 

seem that :gibi görünmek

appear that :gibi görünmek, ortaya çıkmak

point out that :açıklamak

hold that :iddia etmek

claim that :iddia etmek

show that :göstermek, işaret etmek

indicate that :göstermek, işaret etmek

suggest that :göstermek, işaret etmek

demonstrate that :göstermek, işaret etmek

say that :söylemek

see that :görmek

know that :bilmek

think that :düşünmek

find that :bulmak

mean that :anlamına gelmek,demek,istemek

feel that :hissetmek

state that :durum,devlet,ifade etmek

believe that :inanmak

report that :rapor,bildirmek

decide that :karar vermek

remember that :hatırlamak

agree that :aynı fikirde olmak

hope that :ummak

certain that :belli, bazı, kesin, emin

suppose that :varsaymak

presume that :varsaymak

assume that :varsaymak

remind that :hatırlatmak

reveal that :açıklamak

argue that :iddia etmek

maintain that :iddia etmek

declare that :duyurmak, ilan etmek

announce that :duyurmak ,ilan etmek

understand that :anlamak

acknowledge that :tanımak, kabul etmek

mention that :anmak, dile getirmek

estimate that :tahmin etmek, değer biçmek

learn that :öğrenmek

recommended that :tavsiye etmek

affirm that :doğrulamak

confirm that :doğrulamak

That Alan Sıfatlar 

clear that :açık,belli

apparent that :açık,belli

obvious that :açık,belli

sure that :emin,kesin

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