YDS Sözcüğün anlamı tahminleri çalışması

Sözcüğün Anlamını Tahmin

Aşağıdaki notlar anlamını bilmediğiniz bir sözcüğün anlamını tahmin etmenizi kolaylaştırabilir.

  1. Sözcüğün türü ne? (Ad, yüklem, sıfat, vs.)
  2. Sözcüğün içinde bulunduğu bağlama (context) bakın.
  3. Sözcük metin içinde yinelenmekte mi? Ne kadar sık yinelenirse bağlam sayısı da o kadar fazla olacaktır.
  4. Sözcük başka sözcük ya da yapılarla karşılaştırılmakta mı?
  5. Sözcük metin içinde tanımlanmakta mı?
  6. Kesin olmasa bile bir tahminde bulunmaya çalışın.


Bu bölümde yer alan alıştırmalar yukarıda belirtilen noktaların uygulamaya konulabilmesi için hazırlanmıştır. Bu nedenle de sözlük kullanılmaması gerekir.


Because he comes from a poor family, Thomas has always wanted to be wealthy. When he was twenty, he started his own business. His business was a total failure. He started working at a car factory. However, success was still too far away from him because he had a bad argument with his boss and he was sacked. Today, he is still poor but he has not changed much. He still thinks that one day he will be very successful.

Bu paragrafta poor sözcüğü ………. sözcüğü ile kıyaslanmakta ve failure sözcüğü ………. ile kıyaslanmakta.

These characteristics include the regulation of temperature, the capacity for prolonged physical labour, protection from the sun, immunological (defensive responses to infectious diseases) and nutritional and metabolic flexibility.

Bu paragrafta, immunological ………. anlamını taşımakta.

The Greek marriage was monogamous – men and women were allowed one spouse at a time. In rural areas, exchange marriage, in which two men marry each other’s sister – was also found.

Bu paragrafta monogamous ………. anlamını ve exchange marriage ………. anlamını taşımakta.


Aşağıdaki sözcükler İngiliz dilinde mevcut sözcükler:


  1. Have you got something to eat? I’m absolutely famished.
  2. “My God! She is swimming very fast!” “Of course. She’s got flippers
  3. She read the letter to the end and then tore it to shreds.
  4. On the way, we saw a group of depressed-looking soldiers. They were very tired and they were trudging along through mud and heavy rain.
  5. He was so tall that he hit his head on the lintel when he was entering the room.
  6. Sebastian hates festivals. The loud, bad music, the cheap gaudy colours, the noise, the whole atmosphere – everything makes him feel sick.
  7. He had spent twenty years in an unhealthy tropical climate. That’s why his face had a permanent sallow
  8. Why are you all goggling at me like that? Have I got two heads or something?
  9. Mark got on his motorbike, I sat behind him on the pillion, and we roared off into the night.

Aşağıdaki metinde bir trafik kazası anlatılmakta. Metni okuyun ve soruları cevaplandırın. Okurken, koyu yazılı sözcüklere özellikle dikkat edin. İçeriğe bakarak sözcüğün anlamını tahmin etmeye çalışın.


Mr. Peter Johnson, aged 23, battled for half an hour to escape from his trapped car yesterday when it landed upside down in three feet of water. Mr. Johnson took the only escape way – through the boot.

Mr. Johnson’s car had fallen into a dike at Romney Marsh, Kent, after skidding on ice. “Fortunately, water began to come in very slowly,” Mr. Johnson said. “I couldn’t open the doors because they were touching the banks of the dike, and I didn’t open the windows because I knew water would come in.”

Mr. Johnson, a sweets salesman, of Holy Bank Hill, London Road, Kent, first tried to attract the attention of the other motorists by using the horn and hitting on the roof and the boot. Then he began his struggle to escape.

Later he said, ” It was really a half penny which helped me. It was the only coin I had in my pocket and I used it to unscrew the back seat to get into the boot. While I worked on the screws I could feel the water collecting underneath me on the roof. I hit again and again trying to make someone hear, but no help came.

It took another ten minutes to unscrew the seat – and a further five minutes to clear the sweet samples from the boot. Then, he found a wrench to open the boot lock. Fifteen more minutes ebbed away. “It was the only chance I had. Finally it gave, but as soon as I moved the lid the water and mud gushed in. I pushed the lid down into the mud and went out.

His hands and arms cut and bruised, Mr. Johnson got to Beckett farm nearby where he was looked after by the farmer’s wife Lucy Bates. Huddled in a heavy coat, he said, “That thirty minutes seemed like hours.” “Only the tips of the car wheels were visible,” police said last night. The car had sunk into three feet of mud at the bottom of the dike.

Verilen seçeneklerden hangisinin en yakın anlam olduğunu bulun.

  1. boot
  2. a) back window
    b) space for luggage at the back of the car
    c) space for luggage at the front of the car
    d) engine compartment
  3. dike
  4. a) lake
    b) small farm road
    c) water channel by the road
    d) canal for ships
  5. samples
  6. a) boxes of paper for sweets
    b) catalogues
    c) examples of what he is selling
    d) rubbish put into the boot
  7. wrench
  8. a) a kind of tool
    b) a kind of sweet
    c) a bunch of keys
    d) a pack of coins
  9. ebbed away
  10. a) were left
    b) were all he had
    c) passed very slowly
    d) passed very quickly
  11. it gave
  12. a) it presented itself to him
    b) it came open
    c) it gave trouble
    d) he stopped trying
  13. gushed in
  14. a) poured
    b) came slowly
    c) made a loud noise
    d) felt cold
  15. Huddled
  16. a) Talking
    b) Interviewed
    c) Wrapped up warmly
    d) Confused and surprised
  17. tips

a) outside parts
b) rubber parts
c) metal parts

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