9.Sınıf İngilizce 1.Dönem 1.Yazılı Soruları


1-Rewrite the sentences by using correct tense.(cümleleri uygun zamana göre tekrar yazın)

a)I watch TV every night.

Simple present continuous:

Simple past:

Simple future:

b)She won’t go to the school this Friday.

Simple present:

Simple past:

Simple present continuous:

c)He  is eating hamburger and drinking coke  at the moment.

Simple past:

Simple future:

Simple present:

d)They  slept  at  11  p.m  last  night.

Simple present continuous:

Simple future:

Simple present:

2-Write   “make”  or  “do”  in the gaps    and  their meaning.(boşluklara “make” yada “do” yazın karşılarına da Türkçe anlamlarını yazın)

…….the shopping:                                                          …….. a  joke:

…….your best:                                                                 ……..lunch:

…….a  cake:                                                                      ……….ironing:

…….housework:                                                              ……..exercises:

……..plan:                                                                         ………mistake:


3-Write suitable questions.(Altı çizili  kelimelere uygun soru yazın.NOTE:Cümlelerin kurulduğu zamana dikkat ederek soru yazın!)

A:I go to the cinema   once or twice a week.

B:She helped  her mother  yesterday.

C:They  are  going   to   move  to  Paris  next  week.

D:He  is  playing  table  tennis  with his friends  at the moment.


4-Fill  in  the  gaps  by  using  “in” , “on” and “at”.

……1986                                             ……..nights                              ………holiday

……the weekend                              ………winter                             …….September

……weekdays                                    ……..5th of March                   ……..the evening

……..04:55                                          ………August                             ……..home

………the morning                              ………Friday                              ……..the house

5-Fill   in  the  blanks  by  using  “who’s”   and  “whose”.

A:………coming  to  the  party  tonight?  -Jane.

B:……….listening to music  right  now?   -Ahmet.

C:………car  is  expensive?   -John’s  car.

D:………cooking  dinner  at  present?  -My  mother.

E:……….house  is  larger  than  yours?   -My  uncle’s.

F:…….English is good?  -Muhammed’s.

6-Fill  in the gaps  by using “excited”, “terrifying”, “tired”, “frightened”, “boring”, “interested

A:If  you  run  5 km, you  get  ………

B:He  was ………. because  the film  was   so …………

C:The  book  was  so ………, I  couldn’t  finish  it.

D:She  is  very  ……… because  it  is  her  birthday  tomorrow.

E:They  are  ………. in  swimming  in  the  sea.




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-9.Sınıf Yazılı Soruları 9.Sınıf Yabancı Diller Yazılı Soruları

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