12.sınıf ingilizce yazılı soruları;

READING A1 – Read the article and answer the questions (5×4=20p) World record 80 years of marriage A British couple has broken the world record for having the longest marriage. Percy Arrowsmith, 105, and 100-year-old Florence celebrated their eightieth wedding anniversary on June 1. They got married on June 1, 1925, in Hereford, England. Britain’s Queen Elizabeth sent the world record-breaking pair a congratulatory card. …

12.SINIF İNGİLİZCE YAZILI SINAV SORULARI    Read the text and answer the questions. (20 pts) Do you have a phobia? Are you terrified at the thought of getting on an aeroplane? Do you worry about spiders every time you go into the bathroom? Would you rather walk up 100 steps than get into a lift? …