YDS Bilinmesi gerekenler


1: Present Simple:  do/does + V1, V1, V(e)s – am/is/are  + isim veya sifat – Passive Sekli: am/is/are + V3  –    Gelirim – giderim –  izlerim – yazilir – yapilir – kullanilir.







Hardly ever




Every + time

Every day

Every year

Once a week

Twice a year

Four times a day

On Fridays

At the weekends

Kullanim alanlari

  • Bilimsel gercekler ve doga kanunlari
  • Evrensel gercekler
  • Genel kurallar
  • Duzenli yapilan eylemler ve aliskanliklar
  • Timetable ( planlanan olaylar.

2: Present Continuous: am/is/are + Ving  –  passive sekli : am/is/are + being + V3

Yapiyorum , izliyorum, geliyorum – yapiliyor- gonderiliyor, temizleniyor.



At this very moment

At present


For the time being

At the present time

Every passing minute




These days

What a beautiful night!





Just this tim

3: Present Perfect Tense : Have / Has + V3   Passive sekli – have/has been + V3

Calismaktayim, kullanmaktayim, izlemekteyim, yeni temizledim – temizlenmekte, henuz gonderildi, yapildi)

Since 1980

Since 2000

Since then

Ever since

Since I was born

Since she came here

Since + ozne + V2 gelir

For a long time

For two decades

For two hours

For five years now





So far

Thus far

Up till now

Until now

By now

Up to now


Recently – recent

In recent years

During the recent days


All my life – all day- all night

All week, all this month

My whole life

Two times, three times

Several time this month

Many times

Many times this year

How long ….?

In my life




In                              past   +    five years

Over       + the  +                     ten days

For                            last   +    few weeks

During                                     six hours

It                            first, second, third                     time,  student, patient, …

+  is the +  best, worst, longest      + isim   book, film, city,…                + perfect tense

This                       most beautiful                             girl, country,…

4: Past Simple: did – didn’t + V1,  V2 –  was/ were + isim veya sifat

 Passive sekli: was/were+ V3

Yazdim, gonderdim, temizledim, yapti, satti –  passive: yapildi, kirildi, edildi.


Last + zaman

Last week

Last year

Last week

In 1980

In 2010

Previous + zaman

Previous week

Previous year

Zaman + ago

Two years ago

Two weeks ago

Five hours ago

The other day

At that time

During the world war II

During the 19th century

How long ago …?

From 1980 to 2000

Between 2005 and 2010

Since + Ozne + Past simple –since I saw

It is time + Ozne

It is high time+ Ozne

It is time you went

It is high time she went

I would rather + Ozne + past Simple

I would rather you watched

I would sooner she wantched

In the seventeenth century

At the beginning of the twentieth century

5: Past CONTINUOUS : was/were + Ving  –  Passive sekli :  was / were + being V3

Yapiyordum, oynuyordu, izliyordu – passive: yapiliyordu, gonderiliyordu, izleniyordu

While + past cont. (iken)

Just as + Past cont

As + past cont.

This time yesterday

This time last year

At five yesterday

Between 10:00 and 12:00 yesterday

At the time of the accident

6:  Past Perfect Tense:  had V3 –   passive sekli:  had been V3

Yapmistim, gondermistim, satmisti, olmustu :  passive – yazilabilmisti.

By the time +  past simple  –   Past perfect

Never ……  before.

The night before.

The year before.



By then 

I regretted / noticed / found / felt / expected / realized that  + had V3 (Onemli) 

7:  Past Perfect Continuous:  had been+ Ving


By the time   +     Past simple  gelirse  2. Cumlede  for + zaman var ise had been +Ving



8: Simple Future:  Will + V1 – am/is are going to + V1 – Present Modals + V1  (can, may, should, had better, ought to, must, have to, shall … etc. + V1.)

Passive sekli: Will be + V3 – am/is/are going to + be + V3 – Modals + be + V3

Yapacak – izleyecek, kullanacagim – kullanilacak, temizlenecek.


Tomorrow morning …

Next + zaman

Next week

Next year

Next meeting

Next weekend


Before long

In two years

This evening

In a month

In a week

Five days later

Six days later

From now on

In 2020

In the future





Ozne  +  predict           Ozne + Will + V1 ( %80) – Am/is/are going to + V1 – Modals + V1









I  am sure

I am afraid


It is probable / possible / likely / unlikely  that + will  

9: Future Continuous : Will be + Ving – Passive Sekli will being + V3

Yapiyor olacagim – izliyor olacak – izleniyor olacak

This time tomorrow

This time next week

At this time next year

All the day tomorrow

Three days from now

…… which is due tomorrow

In a few hours

Between 10:00 and 12:00 tomorrow / in the afternoon …

10: Future Perfect Tense:  Will have + V3 – Passive Sekli : Will have been + V3

Yapmis olacagim, bitirmis olacak – Yapilmis olacak – gonderilmis olacak.

By + Zaman

By tomorrow

By next week

By may

By next April

By the end of the year

By the end of the week

Before then

By sunset tomorrow

In two weeks

In a month

By the year 2023

By the time + Present Simple  – Will have V3 (Onemli) 

11: Future Perfect Continuous Tense :  Will have been + Ving : by – for

Note: Bu tense icin yine Future Perfect Tense zaman ifadeleri olmasi gerekir. Ancak burda continuous olmasi icin ayrica For + zaman Olmasi gerekir. 

By + Zaman – For + zaman

By the time you come here we will have been watching TV for 3 hours

By the end of next year I will have been working in this company for 10 years.

12: Future in the Past :  was/were going to + V1 – would + V1

Passive sekli : was/were going to be + V3 – would be + V3

Gecmisteki gelecek: Yapacaktim, arayacaktim, yapilacakti, temizlenecekti Fakat… 

We were going to visit you in the hospital but my friend died so we couldn’t.

She said she would clean the living room.

He knew that she would accept his offer before long.

Tenses Notes

1: Zaman uyumuna dikkat etmeliyiz.

2: zaman baglaclarindan hemen sonra`will – be going to / would Gelmez.

When I will – olmaz.  Until I would see olmaz.

3: Past Perfect (Had V3 – Had been Ving ) Past simple olmadan calismaz.

4: Future (will – Be going to) present simple yada present perfect olmadan calismaz.

5: Zaman baglaclarinda  present perfect / present perfect yan yana gelmez.

Ayrica past perfect – past perfect ve future perfect – future perfect olmaz.

When she has come, I have just left olmaz. Yani asagidaki siklar elenir. Yanlistir.

  1. have done / has listened/ has been reading
  2. had called / had visited – had been using
  3. will have finished / will have listened / will have been listening.

6: Would have V3 : if + had V3 (type -3) yada if anlami veren yapilar olmadan calismaz.

7: By the time ve before dan hemen sonra had V3 kullanilmaz.

Before he had called me … olmaz.

8: After, as soon as, once yapilarinda 2. Cumlede Had V3 kullanilmaz

After I came she had left olmaz.

9: No sooner …. Than ile , scarcely/ hardly …. When ile calisir ve ilk cumle had V3 olur.

She had no sooner arrived in Malaysia than she was called back.

He had scarcely called me when I left the room.

Bu yapilar cumle basinda gelirse devrik olarak kullanilir.

No sooner had she arrived in Malaysia than she was called back

10: Zaman baglaclarindan hemen sonra Present Simple veya Present Perfect geldiginde,

diger cumlede Present perfect Tense gelmez.

    When I arrive, I have finished olmaz. 

12: Before


Until/till                Bu baglaclarin bulunduğu yan cümlelerde continuous tense

By the time          kullanılmaz.


As soon as

13: Eger bosluktan sonra By + isim var ise boslukda Passive yapi gelir.

The report which was prepared by the factory ….. 

14: Causitives (ettirgen yapilar)

Have / get something done

Have somebody do smt

Get somebody to do smt

Make somebody do smt  Passive ( was made to + V1)

Let somebody do smt

Help somebody (to) v1

15: allow, assist,  compel, convince,  employ,  encourage, force, hire, motivate, permit, require + Subject to V1 – permit me to go – allow her to sleep.

16: Would rather   V1   than   v1  (Tercih etmek – yeglemek)

I would rather drink coffee than drink tea.

Would rather   subject V2  than V2

I would rather you told the truth than told lie.

 Would rather  have   V3   than   have V3   (past)

I would rather have stayed in Turkey than have gone abroad last year.

Would prefer to  V1   than   to V1

I would prefer to learn English than to learn German.

Would prefer subject   to V1 to V1

I prefer tea to coffee.

I prefer dancing to swimming. 

17: if clauses

Type 0 – If + Present Simple     –     Present Simple

Type 1 – if + present simple /present perfect / have to / can    –   will / modals 1

Type 2 – if + past simple / were/ had to / could    –    would / could / might +V1

Type 3 – if + past perfect     –     would have V3 / could have V3 / Perfect Modals

Mix Type 1 – if + Past perfect Tense    –    would / could + V1 (now, today)

Mix Type 2 – if + Past Simple    –  would have V3

18: Unless + Present Simple / present perfect   –   will + V1 / Modal 1 + V1

Unless + Pas Simple   –   would   / could

19:   Providing (that)

Provided (that)                         1: Present Simple           –  will / can / may / Modal 1

As long as / so long as                 Present Perfect

On condition that

Even if

In case                                         2: Past Simple      –    would / could / might

Suppose (that)

Supposing (that)

20:  Only if               1: Present Simple/Present Perfect – can they – will they +V1(2. cumle

Only when           devamli devrik olur.

21: If only (I wish)     1: Past perfect Tense  – would have V3 / Perfect Modals

2: Past Simple   – would/could + V1 

22: Devrik – If yapilari

Type 1 – should I see Ali, I will speak with him.

Type 2 – were I to you, I would help him

Type 3 – had she called me, I would have participated in this meeting.

23: wish clauses

1:  I wish + Past Simple / would +V1 – Farazi konusmalar. I wish I had a car

2: I wish + Past Perfect Tense – Pismanlik – I wish I had taken my pen

3: I wish + would – could + V1 – gelecek ile ilgili istekler. I wish she could call me soon.

Not: Wish yapisinda Present, future ve Modal 1 ifadeleri gelmez. I wish I will olmaz.

24: Noun Clauses

1: That

I believe that she will pass the exam. I know that she will come soon. (nesne gorevinde)

That she will pass the exam is believed. That She will come soon is know. (Ozne)

2: Whether / if – or not

I don’t know whether /if she can answer all of the questions or not. (nesne gorevinde)

Whether she can answer all of the questions or not is not known. (ozne Gorevinde)

Not: IF noun clause olarak cumle basinda kullanilamaz.

3: WH questions

I want to learn when she will call you.

Please ask him how he wants his coffee.






Fear                                                bu isimler yanlarına that almayı severler.








Interesting                                         kendilerinden sonra that almayı severler.


A shame








Not: 2



wonder                  +    whether  / that / WH questions(noun clause) gelir.

I          depend on

remember                   I wonder why he is reading this magazine.



don’t know

4: That – kullanimi

1: Virgülden sonra that kullanılmaz (non-defining relative clause)

2: Preposition (edat) dan sonra that kullanılmaz. ( on that – of that – for that)

3: all, everything, something, anything, nothing, none, little, few, much dan sonra that

kullanılır.   There’s something that I should tell you.

4: Superlative` lerden sonra that kullanılır.

It was the best film that I’ve ever seen.

4: Subjunctives Yapilari: Bu yapilardan sonra `should + V1` gelir. Genellikle should kullanilmadigindan fiil V1 seklinde gelir. Ayrica passive yapisi ise (should ) be V3 olur.

It is crucial

It is important                             you should obey the traffic rules.

It is significant                             she send the mail soon.

It is vital

It is mandatory                 that  the letter (should) be written by the manager.

It is imperative

It is essential                               all the task be completed on time.




5: Bosluktan once sifat veya zarf var ise how veya however gelir.

——— beautiful she is burda sadece however gelir

———  could you tell me ——– strong it is – Burda how gelir.

6: Bosluktan sonra WH question var ise sadece No Matter gelir.

No matter what she says, we will go on watching this film.

However + sıfat

However + zarf

No matter + soru sözcüğü

25: Adjective Clause

1: Bosluktan onceki ismi nitelerler. Buyuzden bosluktan once isim var ise;

( the manager ———– lives in upstairs will come us tonight. Burda Who gelir.


who                       Ali who is a teacher has a car.

Insanlar icin –  whom + ozne       The person whom I called is Ahmet

whose + isim.       The writer whose name is Hasan is writing a new book.   Edat, of, for, on,+ whom                       He is a good person to whom you should listen.

Some of/most of whom                      There are some doctors, some of whom I know.

Nesneler ve hayvanlar icin – Which/That;       the car which is blue is mine.

Edat, on, of, at, in + which               There are some books in which a girl loves a man.

Most of, some of +  which                I have many cars, some of which are very expensive.

Zaman icin – when/on which ; I know the day when we met.  1923 when/in which is….

At which / In which           tha day on which … 12.00 at which

At which         This is the airport at which she works.

Yerler (places)icin – where             There is a restaurant where I had dinner with her.

In which          There is a restaurant in which I had dinner with her.

Not 1: Bosluktan once;

The method

The way                        in which gelir.  The situation in which she …

The situation

The condition

The manner

Sebep – the reason – why/for which: The reason why she came her is to inform us about him.

Note 2:

Where                                     The place where She….

When                                      The day when I….

Why                  + ozne gelir. The reason why they …..

Whose                                     The man whose name …

Whom                                      The manager whom I ….

In which

On which

At which

Fakat of whom dan sonra Fiil gelebilir.

Non- defining; iki virgule arasinda kullanilir. (,_______,) burda That kullanilmaz.

Turgut Ozal, who is the 8th president of Turkey, died in 1993.

The BMV, which is very famous, produces very quality cars.

Relative clause cikarim:

1: Nesne gorevinde relative clause kullanilmayabilir.

The lady whom you met is Mrs. Alice.

The lady you met is Mrs. Alice.

2: Fakat ozne gorevinde cikarim yapilirken yapi degisir. Cumle aktif ise  Ving gelir, Passive ise V3.

The man who lives in this home is Ahmet Celebi

The man living in this home is Ahmet Celebi.

Please call the person who came here yesterday.

Please call the person coming here yesterday.

Did you visit the Selimiye Mosque which was built by Mimar Sinan.

Did you visit the Selimiye Mosque built by Mimar Sinan.

2: infinitive `to` kullanilmasi.

She is the only person who works here.  She is the only person to work here.

Ali is the first man who finished the race.  Ali is the first man to finish the race.

Ayse is the best student who plays the piano. Ayse is the best student to play the piano.

The first

The third                 person

The next                  car                     to come

The last                   man                   to + v1        (aktif ise)

The only                  manager           to be + V3 (passive ise)

The best                  way                   to be solved

The worst

3: whose ve of which kullanimi.  The isim of which…  isim whose isim.

Can you repair the chair whose legs are broken?

Can you repair the chair the legs of which are broken?

Note: what, whatever, how, wherever, sadece Noun clause olarak kullanilir.


Be used to

Get used to

Be accustomed to

Get accustomed to

Look  forward to

Be opposed to

Object to

Feel like

Can’t help                                                                                          +     Ving

Can’t stand

Can’t bear

It is no use

It is no good

It is worth

In the habit of

There is no point in

Feel like

It is a waste of time/money

To have difficulty / trouble /problems

To have a hard time / a-an bad-good-hard/ enjoyable time



27: Baglaclar – conjunction

1: Zaman Baglaclari

after, before, by the time, until, till, since, as long as, while, as, when, whenever, once, as soon as, immediately, now that, the last time, at that time.

2: Neden – Sonuc



As    / now that                                  1: devamli cumle gelir. (oldugu icin, den dolayi)

Inasmuch as

On the grounds that                        2: Es anlamli olduklari icin beraber kullanilmalarinda elenirler.

Seeing that/ in that

Due to the fact that

Owing to the fact that

Because of the fact that

In view of the fact that


Because of                              1: isimle kullanilir. Cumle gelmez. (den dolayi – oldugu icin)

Due to

Owing to

In view of

On account of

Thanks to

4: Sonuc bildiren baglaclar:  (noktalama işaretlerine dikkat ediniz!)

Cause                                                                                                Effect

People eat fast and carelessly;                 therefore,      they become very fat.  (… sonucunda)

                                                                   as a result,

                                                              as a result of this,


                                                              as a consequence of this,  

                                                              because of this,


Ayşe went to the bed late last night,         so                                            she couldn’t get up early.

Ayşe went to the bed                               so much late that                   she couldn’t get up early.

Ali ate apples                                          such large numbers that       he became ill.

5: Benzerlik


6: Aciklama

That is, in other words, that is to say, I mean: (diyeceğim o ki, yani, başka bir deyişle)

6: Amac (purpose)

So that                               (…sin diye , mak için, amacıyla)

In order that

For the purpose that        genelde present durumlarda Can – past durumlarda Could gelir

In order to

So as to                  + V1 ( icin) devamli fiillerle kullanilir.


Lest   – Korkusuyla –  endisesiyle – devamli Should ile kullanilir.

For fear that –  Korkusuyla Endisesiyle.

With the intention that –  Niyetiyle

With the hope that         umidiyle

In the hope that

7: Zitlik bildiren baglaclar

While                  (e karşın, iken, halde)

Whereas            Ozneler farkli olmasi gerekir.



Even though                           … e ragmen


Much as                                    Cumle gelir

In spite of the fact that              genelde ozneler ayni olur.

Despite the fact that

In spite of            (e ragmen) isim gelir. Cumle gelmez


However   +  adjectives / adverbs gelir

No matter  + WH questions ile calisir.

He attended the courses;                         however,                                        he couldn’t enter the university.(yine de)

It was rainy.                                            However,                                        the children were playing out. (buna rağmen; yine de)



Still,                                               the children were playing out. (ama yine de)

                                                              but /yet                                           the children were still playing out.

                                                              but                                                 the children were playing out anyway.

In contrast to


Contrasting to           + Noun (isim) — aksine – tersine  – zittina

Contrary to

As opposed to

In contrast

By contrast

On the contrary         + cumle gelir. Tersine – aksine

To the contrary



8: Ayni fikri devam ettirme

I want to buy that house. It has four rooms and big balconies. Moreover, it has a beautiful garden.

Furthermore,           ek olarak

                                                                                             In addition,              bunun yaninda

                                                                                             Besides,               + , cumle

What’s more,


Don’t buy an old car. It often needs repairing; moreover, besides / in addition / furthermore it uses much petrol.

In adition to

Besides            + isim gelir.  Bunun  yaninda – ek olarak

As well as

During – + isim (surec bildirir.) during the flight – during the trip…

Such as – gibi , ornek vermek


Act                                              1: iki cumleyi baglamaz. Fiilden sonra gelir. Cogunlukla

Look                                           kendisinden once gelen fiilin bir derece pastini alir.

Treat            As though          … mis gibi

Behave  +    As if



Whereby  –    onunla – onun vasitasiyla – Eş anlamlısı: by means of which – through which.

A system, a method, a scheme gibi isimleri izleyen bir bağlaçtır.

Apart from: Olumlu cumlede And (ve) – Olumsuz cumelede Except (haric) anlamina gelir.

As far as / so far as : genelde I know – I remember – i am concerned gibi yapilar ile calisir.

As far as I know – Bildigim kadariyla / As far as the interest rates are concerned ..


1: just as + past cont. = while. Just as I was leaving, the phone rang.

2: Just as you predicted, it is raining now. Tahmin ettigin gibi, yagmur yagiyor.

Onemli Kelimeler

Distinct from

Suffer from

Refrain from

Indulge in

Interfere with

Consist of

Talk about/to/with

Afraid of

Aware of

Capable of

Vote for

Wait fro

Watch for

Focus on

Depend on/upon

Rely on/upon

Insist on

Persist in

Cooperation with

Related to

Accompanied by

Threaten with

Thank for

Tired of

Think about/of

Exposure to

Range from

Regardless off

Emerge from

Agree with S.O on STH

Cope with

Comply with

Deal with

Parity with

Take into consideration

Scattered across

Extinct for

Marked in

Responsible for



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